Engine block and to receive heat from the physical filtration of the water circulating in the cooling motor, lubrication of the water pump element to maintain engine components from corrosion of the filter elements used for the purpose of the refrigerant is corrosive water in the fluid. The sulfur compound from the fuel constitutes the acid with water. The air present in the system increases the oxidation. As a result, the acids resulting from the combination of water and sulphide are the sources of the motive chemical attack.
Both physical and chemical filtration and balancing are achieved by means of chemical regulators called SCA and DCA in the filter elements used for this purpose. When selecting the water corrosion filters, it is necessary to use the chemical containing filters in the amount of the capacity unit appropriate to the required cooling system considering the cooling liquid capacity related to the engine. It is advisable to add sufficient amount of cooling fluid to the system and to replace the filter elements in accordance with the cooling fluid tests to be carried out periodically. For the new generation engines, this filter is replaced by only the addition of cooling fluid, which provides the necessary protection against cavitation and corrosion.