Maintaining a leading position within the Turkish industry, constantly increasing its capacities and appreciating the role played by its personnel in its success story, GFT Filter adopts a human resources policy that is based on,
Recruiting quality workforce that possesses the knowledge and skills required by the work,
Providing an effective communication and incentive environment in which employees can unfold their creativity and utter their ideas,
pursuing a participatory management policy, which accommodates different viewpoints and funds of knowledge,
aiming to improve productivity of employees through vocational training and development programs we provide,
supporting constant learning and progress by keeping the personal and occupational development of employees in the foreground,
rewarding and promoting high performance by evaluating productivity based on objective criteria,
constantly providing employees with the best conditions by implementing innovative human resources practices.
Vocational Training and Development System
Attaching great importance to human resources management and aiming at constant training and progress in this respect, the GFT Filtre prepares annual training programs considering requests by employees, possible areas for improvement in skills required in a given position, training requests to fulfill annual targets and personal needs for vocational development.
This process is also supported by leadership development programs based on position and title, mentorship and coaching activities.
Constant development is aimed in training arrangements, too, considering evaluations by participants at the end of training sessions.
Training needs analyses are performed according to compulsory vocational training of hourly paid employees and working standards in heavy and dangerous jobs and accordingly, training sessions are organized through accredited institutions.
GFT Filtre supports high school and university students through internship opportunities it provides and thereby prepares them for their careers.
The research and development team, which participates in each stage of the designing process, helps increase product performance and customer satisfaction as well as competitiveness to the highest possible level, by doing necessary improvements based on quantification, observation and evaluation in order for products to be of high quality as well as to function smoothly and efficiently, and by following up the entire process even after the product reaches the end user.